what kinds of food have you put on your face?
~ egg yolks are high in vitamin A and a common
ingredient in acne-fighting products. Spread the yolk
on your face and neck and leave it on your skin for
about 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
in egg whites dries onto your skin. Beat 1 egg white with a fork
until it gets frothy and then spread it on your face, especially the
side of the eyes. Wait until it dries and then rinse it off
with warm water.
which help combat aging. You can cut one grape in half
and rub lightly all over face or mash several grapes up & smear
on your face like a mask. You do need to be laying down for this one.
~ bananas are one of the most nourishing fruits
available because they contain many vitamins such as
magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, folic acid
and vitamins A, B, and E. You can easily mash one overripe
banana and spread it all over your face.
Rinse it off well after 15 to 30 minutes with warm water.
~ baking soda has a gentle abrasive action where you can
actually use it as a pretty cheap but more importantly effective
exfoliant for your face by adding it to your regular cleanser.
actually drink a shot daily. Really. Vitamins A & E are found in
olive oil and are good to put on chapped lips over night.
used in beauty products, particularly cleansers. They are great
for around your eyes, for reducing puffiness, and revitalizing
tired skin. They are also great for keeping cool on a really
hot summers day. They are ice cold on your skin.