Without getting into the technicalities and science of water-
We obviously need water for many things.
I used to buy Deer Park spring water bottles by the cases all the time.
I would have so many plastic bottles to the point of foolishness.
I came across this water bottle that is very cool.
You can get the one for hot beverages or for cold water
(non thermal) I've purchased the one for cold water and
realized how much I save on plastic water bottles being
everywhere and saving by filling up on the filtered water
from my sink. Water bottles make it easier to use if you're
taking it with you in the car, an outdoor event, to the library,
bookstore etc... You can use any bottle you'd like BUT...
if you purchase one from water.org
100% of the money you pay for the water bottle goes to
help provide safe drinking water to developing countries.
Water.org is a "U.S.-based nonprofit organization committed
to providing safe drinking water and sanitation to people
in developing countries."
-founded by Gary White and Matt Damon.