April 6, 2011

To Drink Or Not

This one is a dilemma ....
To drink or not to drink MILK.
Now, we know milk is good for you
the calcium makes our bones strong etc...?

So many people become lactose intolerant as adults
because their body is not able to metabolize lactose
because of the lack of the required enzyme lactase for our
digestive systems. It is estimated that about 75% of adults
all over the world have decreased activity of the enzyme,
making it harder to digest milk and other dairy products.

The actual dilemma is that...
people usually don't think about it but,
cows are mammals and they only produce milk
when they are pregnant-
so all the milk we drink and have with our cereal
comes from a cow that is pregnant pretty much
her whole life literally. Cows produce milk
after calving and their milk is produced longer than
people produce milk after giving birth but,
regardless many cows are impregnated pretty much
every other year in order to give us milk.
Commercial farms often give a hormone to the cows
to produce the milk for a longer period of time than usual.
See the dilemma.......? hmmm