March 31, 2011

Brown.... Ah! Use A Splash Of Citrus But SPRAY!

Sometimes you come across a time when you
need to cut apples or some pears ahead of time and you
want to prevent them from turning brown...

Many of us already know about how the acid in citrus fruits
like lemon help keep the apples fresher and from turning brown-

I've got 2 tips for you...
depending on what the fruit is for...
you might not want a lemony flavor on your apples
so instead of using lemon juice, you can also use a lemon-lime
soda which won't leave the lemony taste
and tip 2 is to have the lemon juice in a small spray
bottle and just simply spray or mist your apples, pears,
avocados and even lettuce for a salad. The light lemon mist
will keep your salad and fruit fresher!
If you squeeze fresh lemons into a cup and pour it into
your sprayer... the fresh lemon juice will keep for
2-3 weeks in the refrigerator!

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food