May 13, 2011

A Good Germ

Is there such a thing as a good germ?
Yes, there is. Wheat Germ.  It comes from a very small part
of the wheat kernel. It is one of the most nutritional
food items out there. Wheat germ has 23 nutrients and
is the most nutritious per ounce for any grain or vegetable.

The germ is also the part that germinates and forms into
wheat grass. a.k.a. cat grass. If you go to a smoothie bar-
many times they have power drinks/smoothies
that have the green grass.... that's wheat grass.

So what can you do with it? You can incorporate it into
baking cookies, making granola, adding it to your smoothies
and scooping a little into your cereal or even sprinkling a little
on top of your salads instead of croutons.