August 5, 2013

Produce CODES

When you buy your produce.....
do you ever look at the sticker?
More importantly - do you know what the sticker means?

I always say- knowing is half the battle.

Take a look at the image I created below to better
explain what the PLU codes really mean-----
you know, so you can be aware and get the produce that you want.

As you can easily see in the image above - 
conventionally (regularly) grown produce always start with a 3 or 4 plu code.

Organically grown produce items start with the number 9 in their code.

The ones that start with 8........... are not good at all for you.
They are genetically modified so that they are in completely controlled settings-
one might say that they look the most appealing at times... simply because
they are not grown naturally.  Please stay away from the genetically modified ones.

Zestfully, Let's Cultivate Food
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