February 18, 2014

It's not always what it seems like.

Today, I wanted to share a poem 

Mashed potatoes on the ceiling.
Green beans on the floor.
Stewed tomatoes in the corner.
Squash upon the door.
Pickled peppers in my pocket.
Spinach up my sleeves.
Mushrooms in my underpants with
leeks and lettuce leaves.
Okra, onions, artichokes,
asparagus and beets;
buried neatly underneath the
cushions of our seats.
All the rest I've hidden in my socks
and down my shirt.
I'm done with all my vegetables.
I'm ready for dessert!

         ---Kenn Nesbitt---

This poem makes me laugh a little
because of the things we don't like to eat
as little kids...

I'd like to share a story of a little boy named M.
When M was little, he did not like certain vegetables
especially PEAS-- almost with a passion.
M wasn't the fastest of eaters but he wasn't the slowest
of eaters either BUT, when peas were presented for dinner 
he would take over an hour to finish eating.

M would somehow take the peas when no one was looking,
and throw them under the table for the family dog to eat and enjoy.
(You know how dogs love leftovers and such right!?!!)
Every time the peas showed up during dinner time--- this became the ritual.
(Throw them under the table for the dog to eat)

Years later, as an adult- M has grown to love all kinds of veggies.
Peas are NOT one of them though. M still doesn't eat peas.
M was reminiscing with his mom a little while back and they both
discovered some interesting things.

M:  Mom, Do you remember how the family dog loved peas.
Mom:  What do you mean the dog liked peas? The dog didn't like peas.
M:  Yes it did. I gave the dog peas under the table ALL the time.
Mom:  (with a burst of laughter)  OH! that makes sense now!

All these years-- M's mom thought that her younger son was
the messiest kid eater because she would notice food
under the table and would have to clean it up.
(realizing later that it was always peas)
M thought that the dog ate them because he would come home from
school and during the next night for dinner would glance under the
table and see that there were no peas under the table.

#Itisnotalwayswhatitseemslike   #hahaha

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food