August 4, 2015

No bake... Coconut Ball Dessert

I love desserts like many, many people do.
I especially love cake. Birthday cake,
chocolate cake, vanilla cake, graduation cake,
holiday cake, retirement cake,
the occasion doesn't matter.
Cake is cake. Right!?!

I loved baking cake so much one year
that my family banned me from making
cakes. Yes, banned me from making cakes.
Crazy right!?  What kind of messed up family
is that right!?   Well, I will say that they were
4 layered cakes with pies baked inside them
and such. A little extreme I guess.

I will happily say that I'm allowed to make
cakes now especially during holidays. Yay!

I must want to eat some cake I guess
because today I wanted to share a no-bake
coconut ball snack dessert.
.... not a cake... go figure!?!!

When you are cooking for immediate
family that have special diets-
it's definitely not easy.
In my family we have both Celiac and
Diabetes that I have to consider when
cooking. Yep, that's right-
both sugar free and gluten free. Yikes!
Most food is not too tough
but when it comes to desserts-
it's definitely not an easy task.

Here is a no-bake dessert snack that is both
Gluten free and sugar free.  :)

~ 3 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut
~ 6 TBSP of coconut oil
~ 1/4 cup of sugar substitute  (20 TBSP)
    ( I like stevia because it's made from
     a natural plant--- called stevia)
~ 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
~ sprinkle of salt

gently blend all the ingredients together using
a fork or spoon and roll into balls
or whatever shape you think you'd most enjoy.

You don't have to refrigerate them
to harden or anything...
but you can if you'd like them a little chilled.

You can also garnish them with chopped nuts
or sunflower or even sesame seeds if you wish!

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food

July 14, 2015

Easiest yogurt pops EVER!

Take your favorite yogurt.
Scoop it into little cups or little popsicle trays
and freeze.  Now, talk about easy.
When you are ready for one...
all you have to do is turn it upside down
and say abracadabra...
or run some hot water on the side of the one
you want to snack on until it easily falls out.
(20-30 seconds or so)
I like to add some more fruit of whatever the flavor is...
My favorite is adding smashed bananas into the strawberry
banana flavored yogurt.  Add some banana, yogurt, banana
and yogurt.... you get the idea.

Keep it cool Let's Cultivate Food