March 24, 2012

Roasted Green Babies...

I wanted to eat some edamame but was kind of bored with the usual flash steam then snack on it,
so I decided to try roasting it with some craisins. It came out pretty well and was a nice side dish.

I took a heaping handful of already peeled edamame and after rinsing it, I laid all the little
green babies on a paper towel to dry them up a little bit.
(I call these babies because they are literally babies, baby soy beans)

I then added a little olive oil on a oven safe tray and tossed in some craisins
along with some sea salt and black pepper.

I put the oven on broil and roasted the vibrant green babies until they started to get
toasted with a little brown, toasted coating.

They had a slight crunch and they were good with the taste of the salt and slightly
chewy craisins in the mix.