December 17, 2014

Muffuletta Sandwich

Have you ever had a muffuletta sandwich?
A muffuetta is a round, flattened loaf bread that is
often 8-10 inches round. The sandwich
originated in New Orleans.

Here s is an easy way to make the best muffuletta.

Start with some olives. It doesn't matter what brand or type.
You can call this olive salad or olive salsa or an olive spread.

Take your olives, maybe  3-4 spoonfuls
(depending on how many sandwiches you are making).
I usually do 2 spoonfuls per sandwich.
Dice the olives up, add a tablespoon of vinegar, a tablespoon
of sugar, 2 cloves of minced garlic and some dry oregano.
Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil &add a sprinkle of salt & pepper.

Purchase your favorite ham, salami and provolone cheese
from the deli.  While your olive salsa is marinating together
for at least 15-20 minutes- (the longer the better- overnight in
the refrigerator is best) take this time to toast the bread.
I think it's best when you toast it on a frying or saute pan
on the stove with a little melted butter. This gets the bread
toasty and a little crispy and crusty. Spread the olives on
your toasted bread- both the top and the bottom piece of the bread.
Layer your ham, salami and cheese. This is great served with
some pickles.  Your family or friends will smile when they
take their first bite!  YUM!

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food