June 10, 2015

Seasoned Corn.

Sauteing corn for a side dish is always great especially in these
warmer months where you can grill it on an outdoor grill.

Using fresh corn on the cob is best for the best flavor.
You can use 2-3 cobs for 2 people. All you have to do is just take a
knife and slice the kernels right off the cob into a bowl.

With a little butter, (I like to use butter made from olive oil)
-add the kernels of corn into the pan.

As the corn is starting to cook up, add a sprinkle of Old Bay season salt
and a handful of chopped cilantro. Even if you don't care for cilantro...
when the cilantro cooks up with the corn, it blends in really well
and you don't taste the distinct flavor of cilantro that some people dislike.
Lastly, add a little drizzle of vegetable or chicken stock to bring
all the flavors together. This corn is great with ribs and coleslaw
or any other entree actually. If you wanted to grill the corn
on the cob- you can certainly do that as well.

Grill it up,  Let's Cultivate Food