July 3, 2011

What Do You Do...

What should you do when you have some
hot dog buns left but no hot dogs? -
(especially since the number of buns never seem to match
up with the number of hot dogs in the package)

You can simply make.... burger dogs!
Take some ground beef and instead of making
a patty... you can mold it into a cylinder shape
to fit better on the hot dog bun.
You can put the same toppings you would for your hot dog
or whatever you might put on your burger but...
sometimes the same food in a different shape strangely
tastes different. Our minds are so unique.
Just cultivate & make it your own!

Where Did The Name Gatorade Come From?

I'm sure you've all drank Gatorade at some point-
but have you ever wondered where the name came from?

In the summer of 1965, University of Florida's assistant coach met with physicians
to try to figure out why the football players, (Florida Gators) were being so
affected by the heat during the summer.

Dr. Robert Cade, Dr. Dana Shires, Dr. H. James Free and Dr. Alejandro de Quesada
quickly discovered that the players were losing fluids and electrolytes.
By losing fluids and not having them replaced- they in a way started to "wilt".
They soon made a formula that balanced carbohydrate-electrolytes that would replace
what they lost by sweating. They quickly called their beverage "Gatorade"

Here are a few questions and answers regarding Gatorade:
Q: what is the shelf life of an unopened bottle of Gatorade?
A: should be consumed within 9 months

Q: within how many hours or days should an opened bottle be consumed?
A: within 3-5 days

Q: when you are busy being a jock, P90Xing or just playing some co-ed
basket-weaving  is it better to drink water or Gatorade?
A: Gatorade- b/c it has the electrolytes that water doesn't have to help
sustain the fluids

Q: how is Gatorade different than other energy drinks?
A: Gatorade helps replenish fluids while most energy drinks are filled
with caffeine and sugar as we all know

Q: can diabetics drink Gatorade?
A: Yes, diabetics can actually benefit from Gatorade to prevent hypoglycemia
but with everything... moderation is the key

July 2, 2011

Which Hot Dog is Best?

Hebrew Nationals!  Their saying is:
No filler or by-products, No artificial flavors or colors.
Once again... taste tests are always fun!
Hebrew Nationals really do taste better.
I guess with certain other brands there are by-product fillers
that you don't see but clearly taste different when you are
eating them. as a taste test. Why eat by-products when you
can just buy Hebrew National Beef Franks?

Hebrew National's history begins in 1905. The company was
started by an immigrant in a six-story walk-up on East Broadway,
on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. mIt was a mom and pop
serving local delicatessens in neighborhoods that were
predominantly Jewish composed of immigrants from Germany
and Eastern Europe. Today, they are the largest kosher brand of
hot dogs in the U.S. with their 500 strong workforce
producing franks, salami, bologna, knockwurst, polish sausage,
deli meats, sauerkraut & mustard.

Next time you're grilling up some dogs- try some
Hebrew National's Beef Franks! With some bacon wrapped
around it.... if you'd like. Did someone say bacon?

June 30, 2011

Fanciful Cucumbers

How many ways can you cut a cucumber?

Let's see, you have your regular standard slices... for a garden salad,
just to snack on, add to water or to place on your eyes.

Then you have the longer cuts, either in half,
in quarters or even match stick,

You can also slice them multiple times or even dice them,
for a good pickled salad with some radishes or carrots.

Shredding them is also another option many cold
Asian noodle dishes have.

You can also slice them with a cheese slicer or vegetable peeler
length-wise and simply pour some Italian dressing on it to make
a really simple cucumber salad or side dish, great with almost anything.

I saved the best for last.  It is more of a garnish
rather than putting them into salads and such. 
Are you ready to see?   Now, close your eyes....
just kidding.  

Now, that is a fanciful cucumber. Excellent for garnishes. 
Let me say that this cucumber is one piece.  (In the picture...
there are 3 cucumbers) but, they are not 2 pieces placed next
to each other.  hmmm....
how can I cut it that way?  It is almost like a puzzle. 
If you are interested in the puzzle and are not sure of the answer...
email me. (last tab on top of the page...  "Contact Us")

June 29, 2011

If I Were To Pack...

If I were to pack a lunch each day...
I would want to pack a bento lunch like this one.
They say stressed backwards is desserts... but
opening your little lunch container and seeing this lunch
would make all the worldly stresses melt away too....?

Rice pandas with seaweed and ham for the faces. Go figure.

So healthy and well proportioned and healthy!
I probably wouldn't want to eat the cute little pandas tho.

June 28, 2011

Black Eyed Peas...Fried?

Just like the way you should never judge a book by it's cover-
which was originally:  "you can't judge a book by its binding"

then later used in 1946 in the murder mystery novel:
Murder in the Glass Room by  Edwin Rolfe & Lester Fuller
as: "you can never tell a book by its cover."

-Until you've tasted it. Sometimes even more than once.
 Take some  Black Eyed Peas

and soak them in water (the longer the better) overnight
preferred. start with maybe 1 cup of dried black eyed peas.
Once you've rinsed them and soaked them,

Drain the water out with a strainer and pour them onto
a paper towel to collect any excess water. Then you want to take an
onion and dice it into large pieces along with 1 jalapeno pepper
sliced with the seeds carefully taken out. Fry the onion and pepper
with a drizzle of oil in a frying pan first while adding your
black eyed peas. Add 2 tsp of Old Bay seafood seasoning
or season salt if you don't have Old Bay. Lastly, you want to
deep fry the peas in the deep fryer or pan with oil so that the
peas are completely submerged in oil for 4-5 minutes.
(they will quickly rise to the top of the hot oil when
they are done)  Dry any excess oil on a paper towel,
salt slightly and enjoy.They can be quite addictive.

June 27, 2011

You Can Zest Your Carrots

I always like the idea of double duty or just the
simple idea of using something in a different way than intended.

So, as I was shredding carrots the other day, I wondered...
what if I tried it with a zester...  so I took the peeled carrot
and took the zester (typically for getting citrus zest) and zested
in length-wise. Then I had another ah-ha moment and realized that's
what Sangkee Asian Bistro in Wynnewood does with their carrots.
They enjoy garnishing their dishes with a zested carrot nest.