January 4, 2012

Pineapple Salsa Chicken Satays

Chicken Satays are one of my favorite apps...  apps- as in appetizers.

Even in the winter, when it's WAAY too cold brrrr to grill outdoors...
you can grill on your Foreman Grill- or you can always broil in the oven as well!
For the peanut sauce...  click on Chicken Satay Peanut Sauce.
Once you've got your sauce ready to go- you can cut your chicken into bite
size inches and skewer them on your (already soaked in water bamboo wooden sticks-
you want to soak them for at least 30 minutes so that the sticks don't
turn black and worse... burn.) Once the skewers are ready, carefully place them
on your Foreman Grill or lay them on a pan ready to broil in the oven.

 While your chicken satays are grilling away and getting their tan on- you can take s
ome pineapple chunks and give them a quick chop. As we know, pineapples have that
mixture of slight tartness with sweetness mixed together which is an awesome combination.
Add a sprinkle of fresh black pepper and it will give the pineapple a slight pepper spice KICK!
It's best if the pineapple is chilled in the refrigerator before spooning it onto the satays before eating.

Satays are great to eat as a snack, appetizer or as a meal with some rice or buttered pasta.
Meat on a stick- better yet, meat on a stick with good sauce topped with pineapple!
It's pretty good and that pineapple salsa is probably the easiest salsa EVER to make.