January 13, 2014

Avocado Caprese Toast

I love the combination of fresh mozzarella cheese, ripe tomatoes and basil.
Also known as an Insalata Caprese  or a appetizer salad
that is in the style of Capri.  (an island off of Italy)

A heartier way to have a caprese salad in the form of brunch
or lunch is on toast.

Take some of your favorite crusty bread and cut it into slices.  
If you can-  toast or warm the bread so it's a little softer and simply warm.

Mix your combo of ripe tomatoes fresh mozzarella cheese and basil 
cut in chiffonade  (long strips)  in a bowl and add a sprinkle of salt 
and drizzle a little olive oil. (about 2 TBSP)

While the caprese contents are marinating in your bowl--
take your ripe avocado and mash it up with a fork or a potato masher.

The only thing you have to actually cook is an egg. 
A poached or egg cooked over easy is best so that 
the egg yolk drizzles onto your toast.

To dress your slice of bread-
take your butter knife and smother your bread with the mashed avocado-
then add the egg on top of the avocado and top with the caprese salad.

In Home Cooking Classes Valentine's Class Birthday

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food

January 10, 2014

Caprese Burger

What would happen if you took a burger and added
some fresh mozzarella, tomato and basil INSIDE the burger?

A stuffed caprese burger or a stuffed margherita burger.  YUM!

Make the beef patties on the thin side... add some fresh mozzarella cheese, 
tomatoes and basil (cut in chiffonade or whole) then, add another thin beef patty
on top and press together so that the burger is stuffed.

If you want to step up the healthy portion of the burger... 
I recommend adding some spinach rather than lettuce and 
you can also add some sauteed slices of zucchini 
and more tomato or sun dried tomato!
AND of course some bacon... oh wait I said healthy part... oops!

In Home Cooking Classes Philadelphia
Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food

January 9, 2014

Artichoke Spinach Dip

I  you!

Get it? I artichoke you. I 'oughta' choke you!
ok, ok I'll leave the comedy up to the comedians.

I just wanted to share a very easy and healthy recipe for a 
non bake Spinach artichoke dip.

You can use bread, carrots, celery, pretzels, crackers
or bagel chips (my favorite) to dip into this delicious dip.

The recipe is  ~~~>
~ 1 single size of Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla- preferably plain)
~ 1 clove of garlic minced very small
~ 1 small jar of artichoke hearts (please drain them first)
~ a small bag/box of frozen spinach (thawed first- I prefer to chop them small also)
~ sprinkle  (about 1/4 - 1/2  teaspoon of each)
    onion powder
    garlic powder
    pepper flakes (cayenne)
    salt, black pepper
    lemon juice

In Home Cooking Classes Birthday Valentines Day

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food

January 8, 2014

Belkin Crock Pot WeMo Slow Cooker

Ahhhh, technology.
It always seems to amaze me... the things people and companies come up with.

I'm not the biggest fan of a crock pot simply because I think I just
don 't have the patience for it.  I know most slow cooker users
will say that it's so easy because you throw-- often meat and veggies into the pot-
add some seasonings and step away for many hours.
It's the many hours that bothers me. I'm a busy body so I need to be doing something.
I do enjoy using a slow cooker from time to time especially when it comes to a
Holiday meal and you want the beef or whatever type of meat for that matter
to be tender and soft.

I read the other day that there is now a Crock Pot that you can use with your WIFI!
WHAT!?!!!  crazy!     It's similar to the way that you can control your TV or DVR settings
from an app from your smart phone.  You control the settings from your smart device.

It's made by Belkin and Crock Pot. The official name is the
"Belkin Crock Pot WeMo Smart Slow Cooker. "

WeMo is a line of products made from Belkin International where you can
control devices by being simply connected to the internet along with
having sensors. I've read that because these devices are controlled through IP networks
they can be disturbed through other users...  not too worry though because
I highly doubt someone will hack into your slow cooker...

Belkin is also has a Mr. Coffee smart coffee maker and a Holmes smart humidifier
in the works as well.   The slow cooker will be $99 when it comes out in the Spring.
In Home Cooking Classes Philadelphia

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food

December 30, 2013


When is your birthday?
What do you usually do for your birthday?

This year I spent the morning donating blood on my birthday
for the American Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by the  Philadelphia Eagles.

This year I was surprised by cousins, siblings, family and friends 
and I was able to enjoy cupcakes, dinners, and multiple cakes...
so many cakes this year that I wasn't even able to capture 
a picture of all the cakes!

This year has been a great learning experience.
I also lost a family friend who I knew since I was 5 years old
along with my grandmother who left us at age 96 last week.

Philadelphia In Home Cooking Classes  Birthday class

These cupcakes were home made from my sister in law.... 
they were  SO good!

This was a fondue spread that one of my best friends 
from elementary school made...

This is me before cutting into another home made cake for me.
Philadelphia In Home Cooking Classes Birthdays

Zestfully, Let's Cultivate Food

December 29, 2013

Shake Shack - King of Prussia review

Shake Shack: Hot Dogs, Burgers, Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt, Shakes and Beer

Did you know that Shake Shack innovated itself from a hot dog cart?
Yup! Shake Shack's journey all started from a hot dog cart in
Madison Square Garden in Manhattan for 3 summers where lines of crowds
gathered to get their burgers, hot dogs and such.
Danny Meyer of Union Square Hospitality Group (USHG) created the cart
to help support Madison Square Park's Conservancy's first art installation.

Go figure right?  It's always interesting to see where things sprouted from.

After the 3 summers (2001-2003) the store front was established in 2004.
and as Shake Shack says:  "the rest is burger history"

I've tried the one in the city (Philadelphia) and I will say
I didn't really enjoy it. I'm not sure if it was because of all the buzz
about it and my expectations were so high or what but it was just so-so.

I recently was able to experience the one in my back yard.
It's right outside of the King Of Prussia Mall across from the movie theater.

I decided to try it again when the first snow fall of this winter started.

The burgers this time around were way better.
I had the single Shack Burger and it was super juicy and flavorful...
it was heavy on the salt.
I prefer things a little saltier than the average person so it was ok for me.

The fries with the cheese were pretty good as well. Nothing spectacular
but they didn't disappoint like many other places do.

They also have custard among many other goodies to choose from.

The custard was very good but a note to Shake Shack... 
I don't recommend giving out free samples... 
the samples are on the large side--- 
(the picture above is not a sample size or a custard for that matter). 
It's a single size concrete. I saw 3 people in front of me taste a sample 
and not order one simply because their sample was enough for them not
to purchase one.

I'm not sure if it was because of the fact that there was snow outside 
but the inside of the Shake Shack felt almost like eating inside a ski resort. 
Maybe it's the tables... their tables are pretty cool looking.
They have hamburgers branded into the corners of the table.

They are actually part of a bowling alley lane. WHAT!?  Kinda cool.

I would recommend trying Shake Shack but I have a little bit of mixed feelings.
It's a little on the expensive side for what you get but it's worth trying it out!
check out their website for more info and menu options!
In Home Cooking Classes Philadelphia area

Zestfully, Let's Cultivate Food

December 23, 2013

Tea party desserts

Is it someone's birthday?
Are you getting together for the Holidays?
Do you need a snack made with everyday items but not in the norm?
In Home Cooking Classes Philadelphia
You can easily create these tea party tea mugs out of candy and cookies.
The handles are made of jelly rings cut in half.
The mug itself is an ice cream cone as you can see. They can easy be cut down
by using a small paring knife. Set them on a cookie  (the 'saucer'  for the 'mug')
Use a whole jelly ring candy in between the 'mug' and 'saucer' to allow
them to stick together as well.

And then simply add any candies and goodies you'd like. 
The smaller the better in this case.
I hope you have a great tea time break with a cute little loved one!

Zestfully, Let's Cultivate Food